Through personal contact with hundreds of colleges across the United States and abroad, Future Step has intimate knowledge of campus life and academic offerings.
Future Step will be with students all the way to matriculation, clarifying and helping with these critical decisions:
College Search
Future Step visits dozens of colleges each year, attends major professional conferences, including those open to all professionals and others that are invitation-only, and has constant contact and close relationships with college admission representatives.
Future Step begins by learning about a student, helping each engage in self-reflection, and identifying the factors that are important in the college search. The initial list is broad, encompassing a variety of different types of schools as well as different levels of selectivity. Through research and college visits, students become more attuned to what they wish for in their college experience. As students progress through high school and accumulate more objective data, such as grades and test scores, the college list is continually revised.
Application Preparation
Future Step ensures that students will create the most effective application possible. From suggesting essay topics to careful editing of all writing and applications, we work with students until their applications are complete and meticulously prepared.
The timing of an application or the admission plan under which a student applies can impact admission. Future Step advises students on the best way to apply to a particular school and helps them identify the major or program, if applicable, that best meets their needs and maximizes their opportunities.
Decision Making
Decision-making includes advice about course selection, standardized testing, extracurricular and summer experiences, as well as college selection. Future Step helps students decide on their initial applications and continues advising them as they choose among schools where they have been accepted.